šŸ”¹ Reminder: There are two entrances to Nauyaca Waterfalls, but only one Nauyaca Waterfall Nature Park šŸ¦„.
Don’t get confusedā€”make sure you arrive at the right place! 

šŸ“ How to get there? Follow your preferred map link:

The Legends Behind the Name of Nauyaca Waterfalls

The Name Nauyaca

There are various beliefs about the name of the waterfall, which trace back many years to when our ancestors shared different fascinating stories or events that took place in this location.

Bothrops asper Snake (known as fer-de-lance)

This snake is found throughout much of the Americas, with its name varying according to geographical location: fer-de-lance (Costa Rica, Nicaragua), yellow beard (Honduras, Guatemala), Nauyaca, from the Nahuatl “Nahui-yacatl” or four noses, and Mahuaquite (Mexico and the rest of the Mesoamerican region), Ikā€™bolay in the Q’eqchi’ Mayan language (Guatemala), yellow-jaw tommygoff (Belize).

It is said that many years ago, when the area was not a tourist attraction, locals explored the mountains of BarĆŗ. During their hikes, they encountered many species of snakes, and among the most frequently seen was the fer-de-lance, also known by the locals as Nauyaca. This is how the local people began to name this place Nauyaca Waterfalls, which is now known worldwide for the many tourists visiting the park.

legends of Nauyaca Waterfalls

Indigenous Belief

There is a story dating back to the indigenous era about a couple from rival clans who fell in love. The man, named Nau, and the woman, Yaca, fell deeply in love, and when their families forbade their relationship, they decided to commit suicide at this waterfall. From this tragic event, the name Nauyaca was derived.

legends of Nauyaca Waterfalls
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